

Preparation time:

Cooking time: 5 – 7 days

Serves: Makes +-15 pieces


  • 2 kg topside, trimmed
  • 60 ml coarse non iodised salt
  • 125 ml Safari Brown Grape Vinegar
  • 125 ml Worcestershire sauce
  • 60 ml brown sugar
  • 100 ml coriander seeds
  • 15 ml black pepper corns


  • Cut the meat into + 3 cm strips along the grain of the meat. Sprinkle salt all over the meat.
  • Cover and leave to stand for about 2 hours. Turn every now and again to ensure even spreading of the salt.
  • Mix together the vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and sugar. Shake all excess salt of the meat. Place the meat into a
    glass or ceramic dish. Pour the vinegar mixture over the meat and work through meat using your hands.
  • Marinade in the fridge overnight and turn every now and again for even distribution of marinade. Toast the coriander
    seeds and peppercorns until fragrant. Use a mortar and pestle and crush until fine – it should be mostly powder but
    must still have a few seed shells in it.
  • Remove the meat from the marinade and pat dry with paper towel. Cover in spices.
  • Use a paperclip and hook through the thickest end of each piece of meat.
  • Hang the meat in a well ventilated space with a fan blowing on low speed for 5 – 7 days until dried to your liking.
    Make sure the space is protected from animals and insects. Place a piece of newspaper underneath to catch
  • Test for readiness by squeezing the meat together with your fingers. If it is soft it is still wet inside. Depending on
    how you like you biltong decide to leave it for longer or remove and wrap in brown paper and store in the fridge or